PoliticalBranding Associates Articles

Whether your candidate is new to the political arena or a seasoned politician, brand identity, brand positioning, brand awareness and an effective brand proposition play a key role in winning your race – from effective messaging to using data and polling information to your advantage – PoliticalBranding Associates helps you get there.

Covfefe Tweet

The Covfefe Conundrum
How a Strong Political Brand Can Create New Truths

June 22, 2017

You say “covfEEf,” I say “covfeeFEE” — regardless of how you pronounce it, who would have ever thought the word “covfefe” would become part of mainstream vocabulary? Certainly not me. But low and behold, in a matter of minutes, a single tweet…

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CNN News

When a Party Turns Toxic

June 22, 2017

“The [democratic party] brand is just bad,” Rep. Tim Ryan said. “I don’t think people in the beltway are realizing just how toxic the Democratic Party brand is in so many parts of the country.” CNN, June 22, 2017 Last…

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The Do’s and Dont’s of Branding

June 14, 2017

Whenever I get asked about branding a candidate, I think of the old riddle: What comes first, the chicken or the egg? For campaigns, the question becomes: what comes first, the branding or the marketing? For me, the answer is clear.…

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Political Branding Buttons

The New Political Landscape: Brand Identity and Authenticity

June 8, 2017

I think we can all agree that last year’s primary election was anything but typical. At times, it was hardcore, rough and contentious. It was also the first time in recent history where it wasn’t necessarily about party affiliation anymore — it…

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Political Candidate

Why Candidates Should Understand Branding

June 2, 2017

Most candidates don’t think of themselves as a brand. But in order to be a successful candidate today, when campaigns are competing for attention with sophisticated brand advertisers, they should start. Now, most early-career candidates understand they need to market…

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Bonnie Siegel and her team were able to take our data and mold it into an authentic brand for Senator Cruz. Data without a story is just ones and zeros. Bonnie turned those digits into a compelling narrative that truly spoke to voters. Most importantly, she is truly brilliant and it’s always a learning experience to work with her.

Chris Wilson
WPAi Partner & CEO